
How to use a slip leash?

slip leash for dogs

Mastering the Art of Using a Slip Leash for Dog Training

slip leash for dogs

A slip leash is a versatile tool that combines the functionality of a collar and leash in one convenient design. Ideal for training and everyday use, understanding how to use a slip leash correctly is crucial for both effective training and the safety of your dog. Here’s a comprehensive guide to mastering the use of a slip leash:

What is a Slip Lead?

A slip lead functions as both a collar and a leash, tightening when your dog pulls and releasing when they relax. It’s commonly used for training dogs to walk beside their owners without pulling ahead. Available in various materials such as nylon rope, chain, or polypropylene rope, slip leads may include features like leather stoppers or padded handles for comfort and safety.

Pros of Using a Slip Lead

  • Comfortable Fit: Unlike traditional collars, slip leads are designed to be comfortable around your dog’s neck, avoiding discomfort or digging.
  • Ease of Use: Slip leads are quick to put on and take off, making them perfect for short walks, bathroom breaks, or transporting your dog.
  • Effective Training Aid: They tighten to discourage pulling and loosen to reward good behavior, making them effective tools for teaching leash manners.

Cons of Using a Slip Lead

  • Supervision Needed: Leaving a dog unsupervised with a slip lead can pose a choking hazard if the dog pulls excessively.
  • Not for Untrained Dogs: Dogs that haven’t been trained to walk on a leash may strain their necks by pulling against the lead.
  • Safety Concerns for Small Dogs: Small breeds are more vulnerable to injury from pulling against a slip lead.

How to Use a Slip Lead Correctly


  1. Forming the Loop: Create a loop large enough to comfortably slip over your dog’s head. Approach your dog calmly to avoid startling them.
    • Right-Handed Approach: If your dog walks on your left side, form a “P” with the leash.
    • Left-Handed Approach: If your dog walks on your right side, form a “6” with the leash.

Placing the Slip Lead

  1. Slipping Over the Head: Slide the loop over your dog’s head swiftly but gently. Use your dominant hand to hold above the leather stop and guide the loop over the head.

Adjusting the Fit

  1. Positioning: Ensure the slip lead rests behind the jaw at the top of the neck, just behind the ears. This prevents the dog from slipping out and minimizes the risk of choking.
  2. Securing the Fit: Slide the leather stop down to tighten the loop, ensuring it’s snug but allowing enough space for two fingers between the lead and your dog’s neck for comfort.

Releasing the Slip Lead

  • Loosening the Lead: To release, move the leather slide towards the handle gently. Always communicate with your dog before removing the lead to maintain trust and avoid sudden movements.

Tips for Using a Slip Lead Effectively

  • Training Readiness: Only use a slip lead once your dog is accustomed to walking on a leash.
  • Double-Check Fitting: Ensure the slide is secure before walking with your dog.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Use a stuffed animal or practice sessions to familiarize yourself before using the slip lead on your dog.
  • Safety Precautions: When working with dogs, stand or squat to react quickly if needed.
  • Combination Use: If using a collar with a slip lead, ensure they don’t interfere with each other’s effectiveness.
  • Immediate Adjustment: Stop and adjust if your dog pulls against the lead to prevent discomfort.

When to Use a Slip Lead

  • Training Sessions: Use during training sessions once your dog understands basic commands.
  • Transportation: Ideal for quickly moving or loading/unloading your dog from vehicles.
  • Training Alerts: Use to signal the start of training sessions to your dog.

When Not to Use a Slip Lead

  • Unsupervised Situations: Never leave your dog alone tied with a slip lead to prevent potential accidents.
  • Persistent Pullers: Avoid using slip leads on dogs that continuously pull against the lead.
  • Small or Untrained Dogs: Not recommended for small breeds, puppies, or untrained dogs due to safety concerns.

Choosing the Right Slip Lead

Explore a variety of slip leads, such as Mendota Pet’s range, which includes options like basic slip leads, dog walkers, leather handler slip leads, swivel slips, show loop leashes, classic leather slip leashes, and petite slide leads. Each designed to suit different needs and preferences, ensuring both functionality and style.

Mastering the use of a slip leash involves understanding its purpose, correct application, and safety considerations. By following these guidelines, you can effectively train your dog while ensuring their comfort and safety. Whether for training sessions or daily walks, a slip leash can be a valuable tool in enhancing your dog’s leash manners and overall obedience.

slip leash for dogs

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